Hobby Projects
Loan Installment Calculator

Calculates monthly payments by amount, interest rate and duration. It is a frontend only webapp, all the calculations are done in the browser. This makes it easy to play with the parameters and see the results in real-time.

Analytics: 300 unique visitors per day
Technology: React, Typescript, Bootstrap
Hungarian Net Salary Calculator (HU)

Calculates the net salary from the gross value according to the Hungarian salary tax rules. Apart from the main site, it is also used as an embedded salary calculator at Dreamjobs recruitement site.

Analytics: 1500 unique visitors per day
Technology: Vue, Bootstrap
Date and Time Toolbox

This webapp has three tabs.

The first is a date diff calculator with some advanced features like counting the number of workdays beetween two dates, including Hungarian public holidays and Saturday workdays.

The second tab is a countdown timer. The timer can be shared with a link. Every browser with the same link is synchronized to the master timer.

The third tab helps you practicing the Doomsday algorithm and figuring out, which day is 21 December this year for example.

Technology: React, Typescript, MomentJs, Pubnub (publish-subscribe service), Bootstrap
Evolutionary Stable Strategy Simulator

This simple simulator is inspired by The Selfish Gene, a book by Richard Dawkins. You can read more about evolutionary stable strategies here. This model implements the hawk and dove strategies.

Usage: By default the population contains only dove strategists. Click on "Add hawk" and "Step". If you keep pressing Enter, you can continously step the simulator. After a while the number of doves and hawks reach the equilibrium.

Technology: Vue, Vuex, D3, ChartJS
Poem Generator (HU)

With the funny poem generator, the computer and great Hungarian poets are your co-writers. You type in the first line of the poem, and the program provides you with rhyming lines from selected poets. You can choose the best-fitting line and continue the poem.

Technology: React, Typescript